The Original NYC Wrestlefest 2025-02-16
Evenemangen på den här sidan organiseras inte av MeetFighters. Events är tillagda av våra medlemmar. MeetFighters är inte ansvarig för informationen på den här sidan.
Event Overview
- Organisatörbrawlmart
- Datum2025-02-16 18:00
(söndag, imorgon)
The event's time zone is based on its location. - Ansökningstidsfrist(inte fixerat ännu)
- Antal deltagare105 deltagare
- StatVi väntar på ansökningar
- HändelseplatsUSA - New York
There are no fees.
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Event Description
The ORIGINAL NYC Wrestlefest runs from Feb. 16-20, 2025 but some arrive early while others depart late. Most matches will be in private hotel rooms that are usually rented by the out of towners. All matches are totally private in these rooms. It's advised to make your contacts, dates, and times BEFORE going to the fest so that you know whom you're wrestling/boxing, etc.
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Content related to this event is only available to attendees.
Content related to this event is only available to attendees.